
Showing posts from October, 2012

A Simple Change in Our Attitude Can Save a Lot

I remember vaguely, there was a 'Science club' which ran for few months in my school. During a club meeting, my School teacher Jayabharathi m'm addressed us for a few minutes on 'Going Green and Saving the Nature'. It still amuses me to recall that she carried a steel glass in her bag to avoid using a paper glass and her firm decision not to use plastic papers.  She said " My husband always tells me not to do these silly things. He says there are millions of fools out there who are just not worried about saving the environment. So why bother? For that I replied, 'I am happy, at least one fool out of millions is removed .'"  This event didn't impact me profoundly but it tried convincing me to be socially responsible. A little. I felt there are several ways a person can attribute to save an environment without any social boycotts or embarrassments. It irritates me to see a person who leaves a room lit with no purpose or a geyser switche