
Showing posts from July, 2011

Goobe Falls Version 2.4 Alias Devra Falls

As every super hero has an amazing story about the evolution of his powers, we have a new desi super hero bestowed with eccentric qualities to evaporate water through his thoughts. Late in the year 2000+ a young dude from Harnahalli was sleeping on his desk in a classroom. It was night, dark and scary. In a split second he felt a pain on his arm and noticed that an owl (ಗೂಬೆ) had bitten him (There is absolutely no resemblance  with Spiderman story, if so, then its ಕಾಕತಾಳಿಯ ಅಷ್ಟೇ ). The real power of Goobe was witnessed when his classmates took him to a NK trip and noticed that the water falls was completely dry. All the people who were amused by his extraordinary power dedicated his name to the water falls as ಗೂಬೆ  Falls. The story continued again....TK falls was his next target. Through the huge activities that were going on Facebook, the FB mates decided to plan for a trip to TK Falls (The original name which is obsolete now) and it was again initiated by Goobe. Ten innocent guys +