JNVG Reunion : Annual Alumni Sports Day

On 6th Nov 2011, there was an event organized at 12.971, 77.4830 by a bunch of old boys of JNVG. They all called it 'Annual Alumni Sports Day'. I present you, the ravishing moments of the event.

Every memory of friendship shared, even for a short time, is a treasure, like sunshine and warmth in our lives, like a cool breeze on a humid day, like a shower of rain refreshing the earth. There is absolutely an unique and irrepressible feeling of happiness being delivered to us after meeting our friends. I was late to the event as I am cursed by Hypnos (The God of Sleep) and I ought to serve him little more compared to others. The hugs, Hi-Fis, handshakes, kicks and "Oye-Oye" from our batch mates welcomed me. Some people had turned fat, some were skinny and the rest had remained same. Smiling and beckoning all the seniors, I-know-you-but-still-I-don't-know-you internal quotes whenever juniors greeted us and Its-okay-chill-dear reciprocation to the senior girls who were masquerading to know you even though they failed to recognize you, were all the part of the story. Every single face narrated a story and relived the old memories. 
The list included,
  • Remember, he had ragged me/him a lot.
  • He is the one whom we had ragged a lot.
  • Dude, there she is. The one on whom you had crush.
  • These juniors have grown huge man, its hard to recognize them.
  • Some girls commented,"Do they considered themselves hunks by riding a motorbike?"
  • Is she our senior? No maga, she is his wife.
There was a cricket match being played. Alas, my batch J13 was martyred, due to the absence of cheerleaders who were busy cheering themselves and had arrived a bit late. The tumultuous environment was lit by shrills, clamor, whoop and howls from the high spirited animals of JNVG (which has been trademarked to us). The hot lunch at the college canteen of EW Engg College assuaged everyone's hunger.
The more formal description of the event can be found at JNVG Group on Facebook.

The J13 Factor:
This part is dedicated to all the soldiers being lead by the commander BMCM (Band Master Changu Mani). The unused muscles of our body craved some exercise. We needed a thing to play, there was nothing better than the haunches of Jani (who was unfortunately born on 7th Nov). The warm up was done with straight and solid shots damaging the cells and tissues of Jani's part. His howl of pain due to this inhumane act was knocked off. After hatching cunning plans, Sunni, Chetan, Kada, Paddi, GD were given non-birthday bumps. Later, We all decided to play actual football. This dramatic ignition of playing was simmered down just after 15 min. The exhaustion of stamina made us to settle down one by one gasping and panting. While we sat down and watched the cricket match, shouting at every possible opportunity, a non-JNVGian approached us and asked, "ಯಾವ ಸ್ಪೋರ್ಟ್ಸ್ ಇದು?"
Jani replied,"ಇದು ಕ್ರಿಕೆಟ್ !". We all laughed like uncivilized.
Someone answered,"ಇದು old students sportsmeet."
The Guy, "ಎಲ್ಲಿಂದ ಬಂದಿರೋದು?"
We replied, "From all over India, Sorry from all over the world."

We all were cajoled to play Lagori by Roopi. The game ended up in a tie. Pajji's confident and sure shot throws on the targets went again wide making our team loose points. The photographs from Changu's Nikon were glistering due to Jani's shine factor. Sunni's attempt to ride the motorbike almost skipped our heartbeat when he overtook the pink-dressed-baby. Thanks to his uber-cool mother who didn't complain a bit on Sunni even after witnessing it.

We managed to convince the fantastic four girls (Gitti, Shwetha, Suchi, Radi) to throw us a treat. The same old resto and the same old table invited us. Ganni's attempt to teach us broken urdu that he had learned from IIT Bangalore was fascinating. Roopi craved to sing our Alma Mater (Ham navu uga ki..). Roopi to Sunni and vice versa Hindi-Urdu fight which included only two words, "Nikaldungi.. Dikhadunga.." triggering huge laughter. 

J13 Cricket Match:
This chunk is dedicated to Ani for his beautiful explanation of the match which I had not witnessed. J16 were the opponents and we decided to let our tigers out as the openers (Changu and Sunni). Being IT guys sitting all time in AC, we didn't feel like standing in the scorching sunlight for a stupid game. So everyone returned to the pavilion once they felt their first sweat drop under their armpit. Circuit scored a six which made the ball disappear. Paddi could score 1 run for 8 balls which made KMF(Karnataka Milk Federation) to withdraw all the sponsors. A decent score of 39 for 8 overs was good enough to bind the opponents. 
After special consulting, we let Pajji after convincing him not to hypnotize the batsmen with his magical wides. He did his best with 6 run with the first over. Sunni was next. Changu snatched the first wicket. The celebrations were the most memorable things. We danced. We shouted. We tasted the victory. Onwards every good ball were appeal-able and every wicket were dance-able. In this huge celebration, we almost forgot to win. We believed that we had won. Later we gambled using Paddi who donated them free runs (1 wide+7 No balls+six) and he was replaced immediately by Pajji. Eventually, they scored just 1 run more than us (1 run is no big deal !). We walked out of the the ground with the aura of victory.
A new symbol for victory was introduced by Jani. Two finger V being pointed by a forefinger of the other hand. Don't get us wrong, the symbol signifies 'THIS Victory'.

In short, the whole day was fantastic. Loved it.


  1. Nicely writte. It gives feeling of myself being in the event.

  2. it'l alwys bring smile on my face :)
    thanks suri..:)

  3. superb suri... event s just flashing in front of my eyes.

  4. Good one Suri.. Next time come early and blog the full cover story..

  5. @rachu: Thanks le..
    @Chetan: Sure... I will be the reporter.. 'revolution 2020'

  6. Good one machi :) Liked that 'only 1 run more than us' part.


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