Marriage Mania

There used to be a time when I met my friends, I discussed about the books to refer. Then came a time when we discussed about what colleges to join and what courses to pursue. Again was a time, when we discussed on our jobs. Here comes the time again with a heavy load on its back to be discussed. The marriage.

And this so-called marriageable age group has been a pray. The story unveils with every Spartan returning from home after a holiday, every Cinderella with a new shoe in the marriage hall, every dude struck with a blade of receding hairline, every cutie being strangled by an extra layer of fat, every nerd who is missing something real in life, every mamma's boy and daddy's girl think or at least forced to think on one thing. One destination. The Marriage.

There are three groups prevailing in this age-group. First one says "I am interested", second says "Well, I gotta get settled first" and the third group says "I don't care. Actually, I don't know." It is quite ironic to see, people who show interest in marriage are neither supported from their parent nor from their upcoming spouse. And second one want to pile up some more dirt in their life in the name of success or being settled, and meanwhile they would get an extra attention from everyone else in the universe asking them to get married. Meanwhile, the third is the one causing chaos amongst the other groups 'by getting married and by posting pictures'. This acts as a source of distraction and frustration.

Marriage is like a virus. A virus which lurks on your back until you hit a suitable age. As the time arrives, it wakes up and multiplies and afflicts you. Then again multiplies further and haunts you. Finally, takes you down. That is the moment you hear a cacophony of deafening sound saying, "Wish you a happy married life." Then the virus deserts you after a while and jumps on your child's back.
Of course, marriage is not a bad thing. It is an en-capsule for our existence on this universe. To preserve our posterity. Marriage is a best thing in a person's life unless it is handled-without-care or handled-with-an-extra-care. The best things always get extreme attention. Well, if one ponders upon this and say, 'Why do we give so much attention to this event?' I guess the answer would on the fact that we get married (mostly) only ONCE in a life-time. And to spend your money, time, intellect and yourselves with someone who-is-not-you is kinda hard to imagine. But eventually everybody wants to get married because it is a best way share your bad and good days with someone very close to you. And of course one can have a great fun too!

The experiences that are shared and exhibited every day from our friends and people around us puts us in a great trepidation. We look at the newly married and build our own opinion on their choice which are always incorrect because we are not them. Some launch lavish marriages, some choose to be simple, some fall in love and some are scared to be in love, some obey their parents and some defy them, some go after beauty some choose character, some are truly happy and some pretend, some are excited and some are scared. Every individual is different so is her/his taste/requirement/priorities. So one should always do what is right for them.
Go now and take your own time. Fall in love. Get married. (or Vice Versa). Welcome the New Change. Because Time always changes, asking us to adapt to it.


  1. nice man bro.. liking it..

  2. So u r giving a serious thought to this Marriage !! When is d announcement??
    Nice write up :)

  3. So which groups do you fall in?

  4. @Megharaj: I don't have any thoughts yet.. But I am writing this on behalf of a lot of friends who are truly worried.
    @Karthik: Mostly the second group.

  5. Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!


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