A Simple Change in Our Attitude Can Save a Lot

I remember vaguely, there was a 'Science club' which ran for few months in my school. During a club meeting, my School teacher Jayabharathi m'm addressed us for a few minutes on 'Going Green and Saving the Nature'. It still amuses me to recall that she carried a steel glass in her bag to avoid using a paper glass and her firm decision not to use plastic papers. 
She said "My husband always tells me not to do these silly things. He says there are millions of fools out there who are just not worried about saving the environment. So why bother? For that I replied, 'I am happy, at least one fool out of millions is removed.'" 
This event didn't impact me profoundly but it tried convincing me to be socially responsible. A little. I felt there are several ways a person can attribute to save an environment without any social boycotts or embarrassments.

It irritates me to see a person who leaves a room lit with no purpose or a geyser switched 'on' for no reason or a person with a bundle of tissue papers as if he/she is going to wipe his/her whole body or a person who leaves the tap open while he/she is busy examining his/her face or the one who takes bike/car even to the bathroom but go to gym everyday to burn his/her fat ass. It annoys me to the core. I fight with my friends who do these kind of things and turn to be a bad guy. With others I resist, but I stare. Badly.

There are two groups in the society, the one who can afford and the other who can't. The people who can afford are the one's who are responsible for chaos in the balance of nature. They really don't care, because they CAN AFFORD. They don't care about the water which is being wasted in their tap while people outside are fighting and declaring 'bandhs' for water. They don't care for the light and fans being ON with no purpose though KPTCL buys electricity from Gujarat and TN, because they can afford. They don't care using excessive papers though there is a poster stuck above the holders asking them to 'Go Green', because they can afford. 
But the problem they really don't understand is, this attitude affects the one who can't afford. The farmers who commit suicide because of no rainfall. The villages who encounter whole day power-cut. The people who skip taking bath because they can't afford purchasing water. The people who walk miles together to save an expensive travel. And more. But we fight with the Government for the petrol and diesel price hike, for reduction in the LPG availabilities or a simple power cut at home. There is contribution from the non-affordable too in this crisis by using inefficient things like bulbs, but they can't help it because they are not monetarily strong enough to afford a better one. I don't blame all or claim that I follow all these things. But we all can give it a shot.

The reason for these immature acts is that the affordable think that the world is full of people and not human beings. This attitude surely bites everyone, someday. It doesn't take time and effort to raise a finger to switch off the light while one goes out of a room. It is not painful to close the tap and ponder over your face then open it again. It doesn't reduce your productivity by using a few extra seconds to use a tissue paper effectively to wipe your hand. Still we don't. Because we believe that we can Afford. In reality, none of us can afford. This beautiful earth, soon will perish. But a small change with your attitude can make this place sustainable a little longer for our posterity.


  1. jab tak is desh mein "CHALTHA HAI" attitutde rahega tab tak kuch green ween nahi honewaala hai...Public ka attitude change hona hai... i feel our democracy has only spoiled us...everybody thinks abt only self democracy..no one thinks abt sustainable development or any needs of future generation.... i saw other day in hyderabad even Biodiversity conference is also used for political game...Kuch nahi honewaala hai...Ppl in metros live deir life at d cost of rural ppl..here is india where LPG is given at subsidy to billionaries...249 cylinders were used by jindal family...Hw can dere be a such rules exist to give subsidy (tax payers) to billionaires..Yeh desh aise hi mar jaayega...gareeb ko andhera mein hi rehana hai..

  2. Very nicely put article. It is more an ethical question. As gopi feels that our democracy has spoiled us, it is the inevitable consequence of the democracy. It results in chaos, where at the individual level, the rights of existence and affordability are stolen which were the very first things sought of, in the first place prior to establishing a democracy. In the start, every effort is put to meeet or atleast have a look at the problems we face. And in the process of solving those issues, the problem solvers end up messing up the situation by exploiting others' rights for the sake of personal democracy.
    As suresh said that none of us can afford, I would like to narrow that sentence down to "None of us can afford to destroy what is blessed upon us by our Creator." We have to realize that we are here by no mere chance. Everyone of us is a choosen one to be born. None of us will go unaccounted for. I think we overthink ourselves as a random guy in this random universe and can do anything. Nobody is after my life & death, etc. For all those who think like this, I request to have another look at the universe. See how unique is the place you are breathing in. Look around how many others were created along to share the same space. We, human beings do the things what we do only because we were given a marvelous brain on the top of our body. Otherwise, we would be like a any animal, following the rules of the Creator and working to preserve the beauty of the Creation. It is time to be ethical and think about the effects of what we do on a daily basis on the society, and have a bigger picture in our mind always. Then alone shall we be called as human. Otherwise we are same as any other beast.

  3. Initially it was extremely tough because every exercise I tried, it involved my back. I prayed to God frantically and he sent me yoga teacher through whom I learnt the exercise that best suited my body condition. If you identify with this attitude, start taking small steps of action. boy attitude status


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